Our e-mail subscribers are hungry to learn more about
the products
and services
that can help
them survive
— and thrive.
We set the
table, but we
leave the menu
in your hands.
We stand ready
to serve you!
Opening the door to 185,000 high-value customers in the cattle and equine markets.
CornerPost™ eMedia Solutions provides direct, immediate and singularly focused e-mail delivered to high-value, qualified buyers in the cattle and horse markets. Our valuable database is represented by subscribers that have specifically opted-in to receive marketing communications on products and services that can help them improve their operations.

Targeting: Our beef cattle (85,000) and equine (80,000) industry subscribers are segmented for targeted marketing to maximize returns on your marketing dollar. By geography (national, regional, state), types of operation, breed(s) of interest and more.

Quality: At CornerPost, we take a number of steps to serve the interests of both buyers and sellers—and deliver the very best results possible.
  • One-Per-Day: First and foremost, we limit the number of email broadcast promotions to one per subscriber per day.
  • Content Design: Our years of Internet experience with text and image ratios insures maximum delivery rates to the end user.  
  • Testing: Your e-mail promotion is thoroughly tested before it’s mailed to insure maximum delivery on computers, I-pads and smart phones.
  • Timely Scheduling: We work closely with you to fit your promotional calendar while avoiding the mailing of competing promotions on neighboring days.   
  • Pre-Approval: Prior to deployment, our clients are required to pre-approve the respective email broadcast promotions and the interactive links.
  • 100% CAN-SPAM compliant. To protect both clients and subscribers, we reserve the right to reject any mailing that is deemed in poor taste or inappropriate.
Tracking: No other media delivery method can measure the results better! Report statistics, a pre-ordered option, include the number of e-mails sent and opened plus click-thru activity.

Pricing: Affordable rates are based on a number of variables including the total number subscribers targeted, demographic sorts, the number of mailings, etc. Our seasoned sales professionals will be happy to tailor a cost-effective price quote for your specific project needs.
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